Mitchell Bros. have been raising cattle in Southern Alberta since the 1950’s. Originally overseen by Lorne and Agnes Mitchell, and operated by their sons Robert, John, and Gordon, Mitchell Bros. was very successful at supplying premium Alberta Beef to national and international markets throughout the years. Today, Mitchell Bros. is owned and operated by youngest brother Philip and his wife Bette. Together with their four sons  Patrick, Ian, Kevin and Bennett they have made the move to a grass finished, antibiotic and hormone free herd. The beef is available to the community in 1/4’s, 1/2’s, wholes, sample packs and specialty cuts available at BITE Grocery in Inglewood, Calgary.

The ranch, Flint Rock Ranch, is home to native fescue, wildlife, horses and cattle. There is a diverse landscape of hills, trees, fresh spring water and a variety of native grasses.

Mitchell Bros. is determined to provide the best possible product to the community. To us, top quality means that our animals never receive antibiotics, hormones or grain. They eat their natural diet of prairie grass and pure spring water. Our animals live a stress free life of roaming and grazing our 1000 acres of top quality native fescue. 


Beef, in its natural grass fed state, is a health food of the highest order.
— Dr. Mercola, Osteopathic Dr. and Nutrition Specialist